Outdoor Verify Runner
To safely be outdoors — mask free
Once vaccinated and verified
For all to see

Founded by Runners

Outdoor Verify was founded by a group of runners wanting to provide a clear message to others in our community we pass by on trails, sidewalks and streets that we are safely vaccinated. Free from masks with CDC guidance, we pondered how others would know. Now vaccinated and safe to be around yet without a way to let others in our community see.

Outdoor Verify is our way to let others know that it’s safe once again to be outdoors. And a way for us to give back to our communities.

What We Do

We verify those that want to let others know they are free to roam, return to the trails, be in the bleachers, peddle on by with a simple visual sign — via hat, pin, buff — that we are VERIFIED to safely be mask free in the great OUTDOORS.

Outdoor Verify provides an open platform to simply and safely verify that those receiving merchandise with the Outdoor Verify logo have provided proof of vaccination.

What We Don't Do

Outdoor Verify does not confirm authentication of user provided personal information or vaccination records.

Trail Runner Spectators

How It Works

Register in just three easy steps by clicking the icon below to start uploading the following information:

Upload Your Vaccination or SMART Health Card Upload Your Vaccination or SMART Health Card

Upload Your
Vaccination or SMART Health Card

Upload Your Picture ID Upload Your Picture ID

Upload Your
Picture ID

Upload Your Selfie Upload Your Selfie

Upload a

Our team of volunteers reviews these items and issues an ID number (OV ID) specific to you. Use your OV ID to purchase Outdoor Verify authorized merchandise from participating sellers and spread the word.

What Verification Costs

We simply ask that you make a donation to cover our volunteers and operating costs. All net proceeds from OV merchandise sales and verification fees go to support COVID recovery efforts.

What We Ask

Support our mission and spread the word. Thanks to our sponsors, your first Outdoor Verify hat or buff and button is free.* Wear them often and use the QR code to link others to our efforts.

* Your first hat or buff and button is free to spread the word. We ask that you pay for shipping and make a donation to our efforts by posting a sign, telling a neighbor, sharing our service on social media at #outdoorverify.

Get Your OV ID

Get Outdoor Verified in three simple steps:

Upload Your Vaccination or SMART Health Card Upload Your Vaccination or SMART Health Card

Gather Your

Upload Your Picture ID Upload Your Picture ID

Complete the
Online Form

Upload Your Selfie Upload Your Selfie

Order Your

Once our team reviews your info, you will receive an email or SMS with your OVID.

Our Sponsors

Our Design Stars

JMA Graphic Design | LeiElo Web Development | Kelli Design Graphic + Web Design